Faro International Inc

Come and Let Your Light Shine - Non-Profit Foundation

About Us

Step into our world of purpose.

Quienes somos

The objective of creating this foundation was the need that through these 8 years that it has been helping the Hispanic population in my city of Dayton, addictions in our society are more serious every day and are increasing over the years, Many of us come to receive a salary to be able to support our families in our countries.

we came with well-defined plans and purposes, In being able to offer our families a better quality of life, that is our main objective, but when we arrive in this country and live a new culture we let our sadness of not having our loved ones close to afflict us to the point of feeling an emptiness inside us, this is how that absurd path that many take as a decision and salvation table for their lives begins, these are the “ADDICTIONS”.


Pueden ser tratadas ayudando a ubicarlos en las diferentes instituciones que están prestando este servicio de tratamiento y recuperación con varios tipos de terapias.

Atendiendo y mejorando la calidad de vida de las personas vulnerables. Hacemos posible que los jóvenes y adultos alcancen un potencial por medio de la educación, el Desarrollo personal y los programas que fomentan una vida saludable.


Creemos en el crear una comunidad sana alejándola de las diferentes adicciones, promoviendo en terapias personales y familiares, con el fin de mejorar su educación, economía y seguridad pública.

Dedicando tiempo y recursos motivándolos así a trabajar como voluntarios en nuestra organización sin ánimo de lucro.

Tenemos metas en apoyar madres cabeza de familia que han sufrido violencia domestica a salir de la pobreza y brindar terapias para jóvenes y niños.






The objective of creating this foundation was the need that through these 8 years that it has been helping the Hispanic population in my city of Dayton, the addictions in our society are more serious every day and are increasing as the years go by. Many of us come to receive a salary to be able to support our families in our countries.

We came with well-defined plans and purposes, to be able to offer our families a better quality of life, that is our main objective, but upon arriving in this country and living a new culture we let our sadness of not having our loved ones nearby afflict us to the point of feeling a void inside us, this is how that absurd path begins that many take as a decision and lifeline for their lives, these are the “ADDICTIONS”.